Don’t forget the basics of productivity

When it comes to productivity, the simplest advice often holds true.

Podcast: How to take a proper vacation

The science of feeling fresh after some downtime.

What do you want to be proud of?

An activity to reflect on future accomplishments and lay out the steps to get you there.

Podcast: Our favorite email habits

A few of my favorite email habits.

Podcast: My favorite productivity habits (part 2)

My all-time favorite productivity habits—part 2 of 2!

Podcast: My favorite productivity habits (part 1)

My all-time favorite productivity habits—part 1 of 2!

Podcast: How to organize your projects

The very best ways to organize the projects on your plate.

Which of your projects need space, and which need focus?

There are a ton of ways to think about your projects. My new favorite: asking which ones need focus, space, or both.

Where do your goals come from?

It’s worth reflecting deeply on where your goals come from.

The Productivity Benefits of Capturing Ideas

Our favorite tricks and tools for how to capture ideas—and why you should do it in the first place. 

General Productivity

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