The best latte I’ve ever had

For the entire month of February I drank only water as a productivity experiment, so when March 1st rolled around, I drank all of the coffee and tea I could get my hands on.

Productivity Experiment: Should you take a three-hour afternoon siesta?

For the last three weeks I’ve worked on Spanish time; taking a three-hour siesta in the afternoon. Here’s how it has impacted my productivity.

Two new productivity experiments for February: Drinking only water, and working 90-hour weeks

Two new productivity experiments I’ll be tackling in February: Drinking only water for the entire month, and working 90-hour weeks.

The top 10 lessons I learned about productivity being a complete slob for a week

Last week I ordered in as much as possible, watched at least two hours of TV a day, and didn’t shower, exercise, clean up after myself, or meditate. Here’s everything I learned from that experiment.

For the next 7 days I’m going to be a complete slob in the name of productivity

My next productivity experiment: be a complete slob for a week and measure how it impacts my energy, focus, and motivation.

Verdict: What you should wear to become as productive as possible

What you wear has a huge impact on your productivity. Here’s what to wear to become as productive as possible.

3 cool upcoming productivity experiments, and an update on my experiments in progress

An update on all of the experiments I have in progress and coming up!

For the next three weeks I’m putting on my ‘productivity pants’

For the next three weeks I’m going to be dressing up, down, and sideways, and then measuring how what I wear affects my productivity.

100 incredible things I learned watching 70 hours of TED talks last week

Last week I watched 296 TED talks; short, 18-minutes about Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Here are 100 incredible things I learned from that experiment!

The 7 characteristics of highly effective people who give TED talks

The other week I watched over 70 hours of TED talks. Here are the seven characteristics that the best presenters have in common.

Productivity Experiments

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