For the next 7 days I’m going to be a complete slob in the name of productivity

by | Nov 25, 2013 | Productivity Experiments

Estimated Reading Time: 53 seconds.
Pictured: Today's lunch, a crappy movie (Red 2), and my adult-sized, ultra-comfortable onesie.

Pictured: Today’s lunch, a crappy movie (Red 2), and my adult-sized, ultra-comfortable onesie.

For the next 7 days I’m going to be as big of a slob as possible, all in the name of productivity of course.

I will be..

  • Ordering in or getting takeout at least once a day
  • Watching at least 2 hours of TV every day
  • Cleaning up after myself as little as possible
  • Showering as little as possible
  • Wearing lazy clothes all week long
  • Moving around as little as possible

And I won’t be..

What’s the connection to productivity? All week long I’m going to be mindful of how these changes affect my productivity (especially my energy, focus, and motivation). I’ll also still try to get a full week’s worth of work done (40 hours).

No word of a lie, this might be one of the more difficult experiments I’ve done for A Year of Productivity so far. I love the feeling of being productive, so this should be quite a change.

At the end of the experiment I’ll write up everything I learn, and I’ll also be posting live updates on twitter, using the hashtag #AYOPSlobWeek!

Hope you’ll join me for the ride.

Written by Chris Bailey

Chris Bailey has written hundreds of articles on the subject of productivity and is the author of three books: How to Calm Your Mind, Hyperfocus, and The Productivity Project. His books have been published in more than 40 languages. Chris writes about productivity on this site and speaks to organizations around the globe on how they can become more productive without hating the process.

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